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The art of articulation, my dears
Ain’t simple at all, it can take years…
For words, you see, they’re a mischievous lot
and play on your follies to mess up your plot!
Just when it’s imperative, that all-important word
will desert you and leave you looking absurd!

When rumblings of fumblings are all that emanate
And the seed of your thought fails to germinate
Remember to pause, then pick up the thread
Command your words and lead them ahead
You are the master and well in control
whatever the topic, sombre or droll!

Regularly compound your interest in words
Learn their rhythm as they dance in herds
Embellish your speech and written word
But remember it’s substance that strikes the sword!
Soon, it’ll turn to talent innate
Leaving others speechless as you articulate!

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