Would you like to live in a magical town?
A little-sized wonderous one?
With hundreds of stories that boggle the mind
And hundreds that even stun!
Where little cats come tiger-sized
And lizards tails are highly prized
Where the sun dons a royal purple hue
and the moon interrupts it out of the blue
They even high five and have a chat
across horizons, imagine that!
So, would you like to live in a town like that?
If ever the sky does turn to grey
There’s never any reason for dismay
For even when the mizzle starts
it drizzles down micro lemon tarts
Poke your tongue out and get a taste
let not a single drop go waste
So, would you like to know where this town is based?
It’s actually quite easy to find
If eyes are closed and your will’s inclined
No matter where you really are
You’ll get there easy, it ain’t that far
No money’s needed for that destination
You have your beautiful and vivid imagination!
A magical place is such a lovely poem! I would love to live theređź’•